LIETUVOS ANTIDOPINGO AGENTŪRA kviečia prisidėti prie socialinės akcijos „Ženk Nerūkęs“
2022-04-15Diskvalifikuotas sunkiosios atletikos sportininkas
2022-07-18LITHUANIAN ANTIDOPING AGENCY organises anti-doping training for doctors „Athletes’ health and anti-doping in everyday medical practice”. The training is designed for doctors of all specialties.*
During the training, you will learn which drugs and substances are commonly used in medical practice and which ones are banned for athletes because they improve performance.
What if an athlete is sick and these are the only drugs that can help? How to treat? What is an Authorisation for the use of Prohibited Medicinal Products in Sport? How do I fill it in and what is the doctor’s responsibility? What are the most commonly abused products?
The training is intended for medical practitioners*, the event is registered in the METAS system, 4 acds are given to those who attend the training. certificates of competence.
Training will take place on the ZOOM platform 2022 m. 5 July
starting at 10:00, Planned duration – 4 hours.
Registration is open until Sunday 03/07/2022 at:
Price: 10 Eur.
Pay by bank transfer:
IBAN: LT94 7300 0101 6222 2134
Institution code 300133110
In the payment order, write: „training for medics name”
If you need an invoice, please send a separate email to:
After payment we will send instructions for the training, 2022-07-04 – Zoom link
*Medical doctors, FMR doctors, allergists and immunologists, anaesthesiologists, intensive care physicians, surgeons, endocrinologists, gastroenterologists, haematologists, physicians from the medical profession, physicians from the medical profession, allergists, immunologists, anaesthesiologists, surgeons, endocrinologists, gastroenterologists, haematologists, physicians from the medical profession. pharmacologists, haematologists, cardiologists, nephrologists, neurologists, pulmonologists, psychiatrists, rheumatologists, urologists, paediatricians: vaikų alergologams, vaikų chirurgams, vaikų endokrinologams, vaikų gastroenterologams, vaikų ir paauglių psichiatrams, vaikų kardiologams, vaikų neurologams, vaikų alergologams, vaikų chirurgams, vaikų endokrinologams, vaikų gastroenterologams, vaikų kardiologams, vaikų neruologams, vaikų pulmonologams, klinikiniams toksikologams, sporto medicinos gydytojams, skubios pagalbos gydytojams, šeimos gydytojams, vidaus ligų gydytojams