we hereby inform you that in accordance with Clause 25 of the LITHUANIAN ANTIDOPING RULES and Clause 5.1 of the WORLD ANTIDOPING CODE. Under Article 5, all Athletes shall comply with any requirement of any Anti-Doping Organisation within whose testing jurisdiction they fall in relation to Testing. One of the most important requirements for testing is the provision of location and other necessary personal information in the electronic ADAMS system.

In accordance with Article 2.4 of the WORLD CODE ON ANTIDOPING. Article 2, the combination of missing any three Tests and/or failing to provide the required information on the Athlete's whereabouts within a period of (12) months, as determined by the Anti-Doping Organizations under whose jurisdiction the Athlete is subject to, shall constitute an anti-doping rule violation.

For such infringements, in accordance with 10.3.3 of the WORLD CODE ON ANTIDOPING. Article 2, a period of disqualification of up to two years shall be imposed.

In accordance with the rules of the Lithuanian Anti-Doping Agency, we are publishing the lists of athletes to be tested in Lithuania for 2020.

ATTENTION!!! The Lithuanian Anti-Doping Agency has updated the requirements for the completion of the ADAMS system in accordance with the World Anti-Doping Agency's (WADA) guidelines on the location of Athletes.

The athletes are divided into 3 groups:

A person belonging to Group 1 of the Registered List of Athletes to be Tested must provide details of his/her whereabouts.

Those belonging to the 2 Athletes to be Tested list provide information about their location and training.

Athletes who do not belong to any of the above lists do not have to fill in their location in the ADAMS system and may be tested during the competition.

What information to bena provided in ADAMS?

The athlete must provide the following information:

  • contact details: postal address, telephone numbers, email address;
  • a schedule of training sessions, including their location and timing;
  • information about upcoming competitions;
  • your location at night - it could be a hotel, sports centre, apartment, etc;
  • other daily location information (in addition to the above);
  • an hourly range of absolute availability for testing each day;
  • For Paralympic and Super-Olympic sports, it is necessary to specify the type of disability of the athlete.

List of registered athletes to be tested List of athletes to be tested

Address of the place of residence

Yes Yes


Yes Yes

Place of stay (accommodation)

Yes Yes

Venue and time of the event

Yes Yes

Ongoing activities

Workout/work/other Workout/other

Travel schedule

Yes No

60-min period

Yes Yes


Missed test/failure to submit data

Moved to the list of registered athletes

Anti-doping rule violations related to the failure to submit data to the ADAMS system

Any violation of the three accessibility rules (failure to provide information, missed test) within a 12-month period constitutes an anti-doping rule violation, which may result in the Athlete's Ineligibility.

Failure to provide location information:

  • the athlete has failed to provide timely location information;
  • the athlete did not specify an absolute range of one hour of reach;
  • the athlete provided inaccurate and incorrect information.

Missed Test - the absence of an athlete from the specified address within an hour interval of absolute availability.